The 1st Personal Finance Habit Everyone Should Adopt

Plus a Free Printable to Help You Establish It

E.P. Hasan
4 min readNov 14, 2021
A European currency slipped in the back jeans’ pocket, with the text overlay that says “Cash Flow”
Photo Credit: “Cash in my pocket” by spopkov from Getty Images available on Canva Pro | Text Overlay by E.P. Hasan

The most important step in managing your finances is actually the basic first step that many fail to do: track their finances. Without judgement, without repercussions, just simple recording.

But it’s that simple habit of documenting transactions that lead to huge insights which can create the biggest ripples of positive changes for you financially. All you are required to do is take note of your transactions.

If you’re struggling, it’s most likely because of one (or more) of the reasons below:

  1. You’re afraid to see where your money goes. In which case, you’re approaching the gates with judgement. And that’s not necessary now nor in the future, so do whatever you need to do to get rid of it. All you have to worry about is writing down your expenses.
  2. You’re not sure how to properly record your spending. What should you focus on? Cash flow? Assets & liabilities? Both? Or, if you’re like the majority of people out there, you’re wondering what’s the difference between the two?
  3. OR, you’re overcomplicating it and you’ve created a system that has become too unwieldy and cumbersome for you to keep up. You record every detail. You’ve created categories and…



E.P. Hasan

Bookworm, foodie, adventurer-in-training & scatterbrain. Follow for more on writing & productivity |